One of the country’s oldest yachting events has concluded in the coastal Garden Route town of Mossel Bay

One of the country’s oldest yachting events has concluded in the coastal Garden Route town of Mossel Bay after two days of rough seas and heavy winds after setting sail from Cape Town.

The Mossel Bay Race is a 210 nautical mile course which navigates sailors from Simon’s Town to Mossel Bay.

The race forms part of the Great Escape to Mossel Bay tourism campaign, which is aimed at boosting tourism in the town following lockdown due the Covid-19 pandemic.

Skipper, Saths Moodley, says their crews faced the infamous Cape of Storms as they sailed around the continent’s southernmost tip of Cape Agulhas: “In the night the wind was blowing between 70 and 80km/h.

And the rain comes.

You had to change your sails and you had to hold on to things.

It was hectic.

Two of us got sick and that’s not nice on a boat, because it takes a crew to sail a boat and we were racing.

And when you racing you need to be alert every minute.”

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