TAM TAM is a Simonis 35 which was purchased by the present owner Jasper van der Westhuizen a Yachtmaster , in 2018 after participating at that time in a Wayward 36 named IZIMOYA II ,in one Vasco Da Gama Ocean Race and two MBR’s .He did the 2018 MBR in TAM TAM ,which was a great sail and frustrated by the cancellation of the 2019 MBR he partook in the Cape2Rio2020 ,sailing with his trusted crew to Rio and back, a round trip from st Francis Bay of approximately 8000 miles.TAM TAM partook again in the 2021 Vasco and is ready to do the MBR2021.
We welcome aboard JANA LOUBSER a Yachtmaster,who sailed with us as 2IC to Rio and JOHANNES SCHIEMANN who sailed with me from Rio to Cape Town,also Gawie Smit a Yachtmaster and Jan van Staden a Coastal Skipper.