Race unfortunately cancelled for 2024, please see alternative Agulhas Race 2024.
The MBR came about when two well known Offshore yachtsman, Ted Kuttel and Dale Kushner were discussing their concern regarding the lack of Offshore yachting events in the Western Cape. One thing led to another with them ending up agreeing to start the ball rolling again with a fresh event, looking at past events historically held. They came up with what they considered a good workable course, being Simons Town to Mossel Bay, taking sailors to the most Southernmost tip of Africa, contending with currents and potentially challenging conditions, while keeping the legs short enough, in the eventuality of a Strong South Easter Wind. The two shook hands and committed to making it happen.
The new Event was branded the MBR and is intended to be an annual happening. Currently this duo still play a role in this event. The event is owned by False Bay Yacht Club.